US Customs Officer Accused of Gun Crime in Hardyston, NJ
The suspect is a 39-year-old resident of Hardyston, New Jersey. He serves with US Customs and Border Protection, but his employment could be terminated if he is ultimately convicted on the very serious gun crime charges.
In June 2016, law enforcement arrested the suspect. According to authorities, he got into an argument with his neighbor in Carlton Village and flashed his service revolver. When police searched the suspect, they reportedly found an H&K 40-caliber handgun.
The suspect was arrested and charged with several crimes, including illegal possession of a handgun with the purpose to use it unlawfully against another, unlawful possession of large-capacity magazines, burglary, official misconduct, and terroristic threats.
If the suspect is convicted on the weapons offense charge, he faces up to 10 years in prison. Additionally, the suspect could be sentenced to a minimum mandatory term of incarceration in accordance with the Graves Act.
For additional information about this case, access the article, “U.S. Customs Officer Accused of Flashing His Gun at Neighbor Is Indicted.”
Attorney Needed for Gun Charge in Sussex County?
Our lawyers are ready and able to help if you have been arrested and charged with a gun crime in Sussex County NJ. In fact, we have handled a number of gun cases in Sussex County over the last few years with great success. Contact our attorney now for immediate assistance, the initial consultation is always provided free of charge.