Bergen County Gun Range Application Withdrawn

Bergen County Handgun Lawyers After a lengthy controversy centered on a proposed gun range in Ramsey, New Jersey, the Screaming Eagle Club’s application has been withdrawn from the planning board. According to Ramsey Mayor Deidre Dillon, the applicant and the municipality have reached an amicable resolution to the dispute regarding the club’s application. Dillon stated that since the first meeting between lawmakers and the property owners “several months ago,” all parties “have remained in touch through counsel” in the hope of resolving any “differences” they might have. Dillon added that Ramsey officials “appreciate the good faith efforts the owners have shown in deciding that the use of the property be consistent with the family-oriented atmosphere” in Ramsey. This likely brings closure to the ongoing petitions started by both supporters and opponents of the proposed gun range. It also likely ends an attempt by Ramsey lawmakers to issue an ordinance that would ban the use of firearms within the borough.

Because of New Jersey’s population density, the state has some of the strictest gun laws in the entire country: a violation of New Jersey’s firearm laws can result in severe penalties. For instance, according to N.J.S.A. 2C:39-5(a), any person who knowingly has in his possession a machine gun or any instrument or device adaptable for use as a machine gun, without being licensed to do so, is guilty of a crime of the second degree. When it comes to handguns, N.J.S.A. 2C:39-5(b) sets forth that any person who knowingly has in his possession any handgun, including any antique handgun, without first having obtained a permit to carry the same, is guilty of a crime of the second degree. As for rifles and shotguns, N.J.S.A. 2C:39-5(c)(1) and (2) establish that any person who knowingly has in his possession any rifle or shotgun without having first obtained a firearms purchaser identification card is guilty of a crime of the third degree.

No matter your current legal situation involving firearms in New Jersey, the Tormey Law Firm can help. Our gun law attorneys are familiar with criminal defense strategies in cases arising from charges of the unlawful possession of a firearm or the possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose. Additionally, the Tormey Law Firm’s firearms attorneys are experienced with assisting clients in the process of applying for a firearms identification purchaser card or a permit to purchase a handgun. Moreover, the gun permit lawyers at the Tormey Law Firm have successfully handled appeals in Superior Court for clients who were initially denied a firearms identification card. The bottom line is that the Tormey Law Firm can assist you with any legal issues you may be facing that relate to firearms in New Jersey – call us today for a free gun law consultation.